Marketing Dos And Don’ts By Inspired Method

Edmonton Business Coach | Marketing Dos And Don’ts

Marketing can be confusing, admits Trevor Samons, the Edmonton business coach at Inspired Method Marketing and Coaching. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. It’s confusing in part, because there are so many methods to market and advertise your business, and each company will tell you that their way is the most important and most effective.

That’s why hiring an objective coach, like Trevor Samons at Inspired Method Marketing and Coaching is so beneficial. They will teach their clients what will work at each stage in their business. A brand new entrepreneur, says Samons, is better off saving what little money they have, and pound the pavement looking to make their first few sales. He calls this approach dialing for donuts. This is because the idea is you bring a box of donuts to a potential client to make the introduction easier.

What’s so great about this method, says Edmonton business coach, is that few people are actually doing it – going out, meeting people face to face, that it’s a very good impression. And it’s great because it has a very low cost. Which is important to those businesses just starting out explains Samons. We know that entrepreneurs have very little time, but they have even less money, so if they can find their first few clients without spending that money, that’s the best.

Explore Free Marketing Initiatives First

Another thing that business owners should do right away, advises Edmonton business coach, is get a Google Business Page. It’s absolutely free, which will fit all entrepreneurs budgets, explains Samons, and it’s a way for small businesses to actually start appearing on page one of Google search engine results. It will show up in the map listing, but in order for that to happen, entrepreneurs need to put in their address.

Many business owners are opposed to this initially, they often are working out of their home, and aren’t in a position to have customers show up to their home. But without a physical address, the business won’t show up on the map listing, limiting a business’s potential exposure. Samons is quick to point out that very few people will show up to your home unannounced, but if they do, that’s a small price to pay for the potential clients the business is likely to win.

Edmonton Business Coach | Why Are Google Reviews Important

The Google Business Page will also allow the small business owner to start getting Google Reviews, which is very important. 88% of all customers will look at Google Reviews as part of their decision making process. The threshold that businesses should aim for initially? 41 Google Reviews, explains Samons, because the average business has 40 reviews, so achieving 41 means they are above average. Also, that’s the number that seems to inspire confidence in customers.

A business is less likely to have reviews only by friends and family once they are over 40 reviews. Customers seem confident at that number that these are actual satisfied customers, and that goes a long way in helping them to decide to purchase from that business. But that’s not the only reason why businesses should get that minimum number of reviews, explains Edmonton business coach Samons. It’s also because the more Google Reviews a business has, the more Google has confidence in the business.

Search Engine Optimization Tips

Once the business is over that minimum threshold, they will find their Google Search Engine ranking improves considerably. It’s also at this point when businesses can get better deals on advertising on the behemoth search engine. So there are a lot of reasons why this is important, says Samons. So we teach several strategies to our clients on how to get those reviews, such as helping them create a script to use when asking for reviews that will make clients more likely to say yes, and help them reach that number.

Another positive with this strategy, is all of it can work, even before a business has a website. Websites are important, but costly. So finding customers, getting google reviews and appearing in search results even before you have a website will only work to help that website land on page one of search engine results when you are ready to build it. And we will help you craft a great website, designed to convert potential customers into buyers.

Contact Us

When entrepreneurs want to increase their odds of succeeding, hiring a great business coach like Edmonton business coach, Inspired Method can be an important first step. Do it right away in your business, don’t wait until your business is struggling. A great marketing plan takes 6 months to start working. Starting now is one of the most important pieces of advice. To start with Inspired Method, visit their website and schedule an initial consultation today!