Digital Marketing Tools For Business Owners

The Digital Marketing Tools Every Edmonton Business Owner Needs to Know About

Starting a small business is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle; every piece must fit perfectly. And just like a puzzle, you need the right tools to see the bigger picture. As someone who’s been through the rigmarole of setting up and growing a business in Edmonton, trust me when I say that the right tools make all the difference between disaster and success.

Remember the days when business was all about the handshake? Yeah, well, things have changed a whole lot since then. Now, the real handshake happens online, especially in Edmonton’s bustling market. Every business needs to have a set of digital tools to keep things running smoothly. From optimizing your online presence to making sure the cash flow is in check, here are some tools I wish I knew about when I started my digital journey in Edmonton.

Digital Presence Management Tools

Top Digital Marketing Tools For Business Owners

Website Builders

Think of your website as your digital storefront. Whether you’re selling products, services, or just your expertise, a professional-looking website is crucial. I remember trying to set up my first website; it was like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded. Platforms like WordPress made things so much easier, and I was able to design a website without pulling my hair out. Now years later I’m so glad I chose WordPress as it is Google compliant (we dive into what that means and why it’s important in our blog on Google-friendly websites).

Domain and Hosting

Choosing the right domain is like naming your firstborn. It’s got to be memorable and resonate with your brand. Don’t forget to make it easy to spell and type so there is no extra confusion. Once you’ve got that domain, ensure it’s hosted reliably. There’s nothing worse than a website that crashes during a product launch (been there, done that!).

Marketing and Sales Tools

SEO Tools

Visibility is everything online. Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs were game-changers for me. They not only helped me optimize my site but also gave me insights into what my competitors were up to. A little friendly competition never hurts, right? Not to mention how useful these are when working on my clients’ websites.

Email Marketing Platforms

Remember that time when you signed up for a newsletter and got a welcome discount? I bet you went back and shopped from there. That’s the power of email marketing. Platforms like Mailchimp and ConvertKit can help you set up personalized email campaigns that can turn prospects into loyal customers. Then there’s the other side, you can share new or ongoing topics with your current subscribers.

CRM Systems

Customers are the backbone of any business. A robust CRM system like HubSpot or Salesforce helps keep track of all customer interactions, ensuring they have a smooth experience. Different industries have options that suit them best. When you work with us at Inspired Method Marketing we guide you into the right system for your industry and type of business.

Social Media Management

Gone are the days when social media was just for posting holiday pictures. Now, it’s a powerful tool for growing your business. Using schedulers like Hootsuite and Buffer, and even the built in schedulers of the platforms themselves, helps schedule posts, analyze performance, and engage with your audience without losing sleep.

Financial and Accounting Tools

Accounting Software

Numbers can be hard to keep up with especially if they aren’t your strong suit, but as a business owner, you can’t ignore them. QuickBooks and FreshBooks can simplify the entire process, from invoicing clients to tax filing. Once you are ready it’s even more efficient and resourceful to hire a small business accountant like Spurrell and Associates or a Bookkeeper like Always Bookkeeping.

Payment Gateways

You’ve attracted a customer and showcased your product, so now it’s time to close the sale. Square, Stripe and PayPal ensure the transaction is smooth and secure. I recall losing a significant amount of sleep over a payment gateway issue. I’d like to help you avoid that same mistake!

Collaboration and Communication Tools

Having a remote team spread across different time zones can be a challenge. To make communication smoother use platforms like Zoom, Slack and Microsoft Teams. And when it comes to project management, platforms like Trello and Asana can be lifesavers, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Customer Support Tools


Ever visited a website at 2 a.m. and had a question? Chatbots provide immediate responses, ensuring potential clients are always attended to.

Help Desk Software

Happy customers are repeat customers. Tools like Zendesk and Freshdesk ensure all customer queries are addressed promptly.

Productivity and Time Management

Once, during a particularly hectic week, I lost track of a crucial deadline. It was a disaster! Toggl and Time Doctor became my time-keeping buddies, ensuring I stayed on top of things. And with Zapier and IFTTT, repetitive tasks were automated, freeing up time for the more important stuff. Some of these tools have a bit of a learning curve, but once you experience it, you will appreciate the timesavers they become.

Top Digital Marketing Tools For Edmonton Business Owners

E-commerce and Retail Tools

Setting up an online store? Platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce simplify the process. Couple that with inventory management solutions, and you’re golden.

In Conclusion – Contact us for more information!

In this digital age, it’s essential to keep up with the ever-evolving world of business tools. Take it from someone who learned the hard way – the right tools not only make your life easier but also set the stage for growth and success. So, dive in, explore these tools, and watch your business flourish in Edmonton!

Phew! That was a whirlwind tour of some of the best tools out there. Remember, the goal isn’t to have all the tools but to have the right ones. Think about your business needs, explore options, and invest in those that align with your goals. After all, every business is unique, just like its owner. Happy Entrepreneuring!

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